join a course

Courses are designed to give you the practical tools to grow in your faith and apply it to your every day life. Courses meet seasonally for eight to ten week and focus on a specific topic. Whether you're new to faith or are looking to go deeper in your walk with God, taking a course could be a great next step.

Fall Semester 2024


Theology means "the study of God". It's about understand the message God has revealed to us though His Word and through Jesus Christ. Without a solid, theologically sound foundation, the Apostle Paul says that we will be tossed "to and fro" by every different religion or doctrine.

This course is about understanding who God is, how God relates to people, and what God has revealed about sin, salvation, and His eternal Kingdom.


If you are new to the Christian faith, or you're looking for a way to energize your faith, our discipleship class is for you. You will explore the foundational priciples and disciplines of walk with Jesus. How to read your Bible, how to pray, and the essentials to beginning and strengthening your relationship with God.


Everyday we are inundated with cultural cues and values and find their way into our lives. What we may not realize is that many of these values are completely opposite of the message Jesus preached 2,000 years ago. Whether it relates to sexuality, gender, politics, or personal choice,  Jesus has much to say about culture and pursuing His Kingdom while living in the world.


Celebrate Recovery (CR) is a Worldwide Christ-centered biblical and balanced program that helps us overcome our hurts, habits, or hang-ups of any kind. It is based on the actual words of Jesus rather than psychological theory.  

Celebrate Recovery is a safe place to find community and freedom from controlling issues in our life.


Starting January 2025
Starting April 2025