Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
As a church, we are committed to following the command of Jesus to take His message throughout the world. On a regular basis, we support over 50 foreign missionaries and organizations and seek to be active in our community helping those in need. We'd love for you to partner with us to help take the Gospel to the end of the earth!
Support The Mission
Through your generous giving, we are able to support global missionaries and meet the needs of our community! We thank you for your generosity and ask that you continue to give and pray that this wonderful Gospel message will advance.

FAMILY/CHILD FRIENDLY: Each month, out team visits a local nursing home to bring the light of Jesus to every person living and working in that facility. We spend time playing games, talking, worshipping and helping in any way we can.
FAMILY FRIENDLY: Through some amazing partnerships, we are able to visit local neighborhoods and share the love of Jesus. Our goal is to have monthly events with activities for the children and fellowship with the community.
16+ ONLY: We are excited to begin an incredible partnership with Faces of Change Organization that allows us to go once a month to the streets of Camden to provide food and resources and, most importantly, share the love of Jesus to those who are homeless and struggling with substance abuse.
ADULTS ONLY: This team plays a vital role in bringing the Gospel to people Camden County Correctional Facility. Through worship, devotions and prayer, they bring the message of Jesus to countless men and women.