Pursue Purpose Together

Bethel Young Adults exists to help people pursue purpose together. Whether you’re in school or out, single, young couple, religious or disinterested, we believe everyone matters and we strive to be honest and help you wherever you’re at. All of us have questions and together we are looking to find answers and experience what we were made for.


BYA meets every other month at 5pm. Our gatherings consist of food, fellowship, worship and an inspiring message from our leaders. It's the perfect way to meet other young adults and start building strong relationships.
Upcoming Gatherings
February 18: Guys & Girls Hangout
March 24 : City Wide Scavenger Hunt
May 19: Worship Gathering
June 9: Field Day


Our groups hosts a bi-weekly Bible Study throughout the year. We come together to walk through a book of the Bible, take time to discuss and learn, and pray for one another. If you're looking for deeper community, we'd love to see you there!

Connect With Us

We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.